Can You Eat Edamame Shells?

Edamame is a soybean product that is harvested when the plant is approximately 80% mature to be eaten as a snack, rather than a mature soybean plant used in tofu or soybean milk. Edamame’s high nutritional value has made it popular all around the world.  It has origins in Asia and is still a popular … Read more

Can You Eat Tuna Steak Raw? (Is It Safe?)

Tuna is frequently served raw or barely cooked at restaurants and sushi bars. This fish is high in vitamin D, which may help with a variety of health conditions, but whether it’s consumed uncooked, you might be concerned about its safety. Can You Eat Tuna Steak Raw? Yes, raw tuna is perfectly fine to eat … Read more

Is Cornstarch the Same as Baking Powder?

I didn’t have baking powder for one of my first experiences using a recipe. I had an abundance of cornstarch at the time, which I was unaware if it could be used to replace baking powder. I vowed never to find myself in that predicament again, so I investigated what alternatives I might use for … Read more

Brown Foods: You Might Want to Know About

When you think of nutrition, do fruits and vegetables that are green, pink or yellow come to mind? However, what about brown? Brown foods are often cooked in a specific manner, while other turn brown due to the natural pigmentation of the item. Foods, for example, can become brown as a result of natural colorants … Read more

What Is the Best Substitute for Broccoli Rabe?

When preparing with vegetables, it’s easy to swap one for the other, and substitutions are especially simple with common veggies like potatoes or peas. It does get a bit more difficult to come up with alternatives for veggies that are less conventional. The difficulty is that the vegetables that are difficult to replicate are also … Read more

Cured vs Uncured Ham: What’s The Difference?

Meat, like vegetables and fruits, is a concentrated source of nutrients that has been eaten by humans for millennia. Animals such as cattle, pigs, and poultry, as well as goats, sheep, and buffalos are the most frequent sources of meat across the world. Camels, yaks, horses, and ostriches are other uncommon meat sources. Regardless of … Read more

Can You Eat Fox Meat? (Interesting Facts)

Foxes are an appealing option as a survival food source, but predators aren’t always the best meal choice. Carnivores’ flesh has a harder, less fatty, and more metallic flavor. This may also be said about fox meat. Fox flesh must be softened for an extended period before it can be eaten, but this isn’t always … Read more

What Does Liver Taste Like?

The flavor of meat liver is quite strong, with a bitter flavor that varies depending on the animal’s size and the greater the animal, the more powerful the taste. It’s possible that this is why we prefer chicken or duck livers over beef liver. Consider that animal livers are nutrient-dense, and that eating one every … Read more